Monday, July 11, 2011

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Kele & Co Rankings for All Home Based Businesses!!!

Kele n Co:

Kele n Co Internet Popularity Percentile Rank: #63
This rank displays where Kele n Co ranks in our public interest database against all other MLM companies and home based businesses in our current profile. Kele n Co's position in our index ranks them at 63 out of 659 home businesses actively tracked in our

Percentage Change (Gain or Loss): 30.79%
Percentage Change compared to the last sampling period.

View Top 50 Gainers

Monday, July 6, 2009

Get Repeat Customers!

How To Get Repeat Customer Orders
(Copied from

Part of your business success comes from customers placing re-orders with you. I often hear Direct Sales Consultants saying that it all boils down to customer service. In my opinion, that is only partially true. There are other things that you need to be doing in addition to providing top notch customer service.

Let's look at a few ways that you can get customers, to keep coming back to you for their product orders.

1. Post Sale Follow-Up: Customers want to know they are important to you. It is your job to go out of your way to make sure your customer is satisfied with their first purchase from you. After your customer has received their first purchase, make sure you follow up with them to make sure they are 100% satisfied with their purchase. If not, work promptly to correct it.

2. Company Catalogs: Every time your company changes their catalog, make sure your customers receive a new copy. I find that most of my customers prefer receiving a hard copy of our catalog vs. an online copy. You can do this one of four ways:a. Mail out a new catalog to your customers via postal mail.b. Mail out a postcard letting customers know that you now have new catalogs available and how they can request a new catalog from you.c. Send an email if you have permission from your customers to contact them via email. Let them know a new catalog is available and how they can request a new copy from you.d. Call your customers up by phone and let them know that you have new catalogs available and ask them if they would like to receive one.

3. Monthly Customer Newsletters: I recommend that you do a monthly newsletter to keep in contact with your customers. You can announce party host specials, customer specials, recruiting specials and new catalog releases. If you are going to do a monthly newsletter, make sure you have some informational content within it. Customers don't want to receive newsletters that are nothing more than spam advertisements.

4. Open Houses: Hold a Open House bi-yearly party in your own home or other location. Invite your customers to the party so that they can see and touch new product releases. Offer some refreshments, games with prizes and some product sales specials.

5. Business Cards: Include a business card with all shipments of products. I make all of my business cards into refrigerator magnets and feel that business card magnets yield me better results than just a plain old business card. Customers will put them on the front of their refrigerators which keeps you and your business in front of them.

6. Business Coupons: Offer a coupon with all customer purchases. example: Thank you for your purchase! Please take 10% off your next purchase before (date). I find that when you include an expiration date on your coupons, you are more apt to get another order from your customer. Try dating your coupons for 90 days.

7. Re-order Stickers: If you are selling consumable products, purchase some re-order stickers and place them on the packaging of your products. Make sure your contact information is on that sticker.I think it makes smart business sense to pay attention to the customers that you already have. If your current customers like doing business with you and your company, they will happily refer new customers to you.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Six Areas that are Critical to your Success!

There are six areas that will be most critical to your Kele success:

1. Bookings.

Bookings are the lifeblood of your business. Without them, you are technically out of business. The great thing about direct sales though, is that you can easily put yourself back in business! With bookings, you have a continual source of sales, new customers, new bookings, and potential recruits.

So where to start?

Make a list of all the reasons why now is the best time to book a party, why this is a great time of the year to have a show, and what benefits they will reap from it.

Next, establish a booking goal and deadlines.

Then schedule two evenings to make phone calls and make 100 phone calls.

After a show, ask each customer if they would be interested in free jewelry and would host a show. Also, always ask your hostess if she would be willing to hold a show for you again in the future.

Finally, during a party, keep your eyes and ears open for clues to who will be your next hostess or team member. Then you might want to go up to them and say, 'I notice you did or said [X], I'd love to treat you to our hostess program.'

2. Hostess coaching.

Hostess coaching is your interaction with the person who has scheduled a party. This interaction will determine if the party is a success or a failure.

The first thing to do is touch base with your hostess frequently during the four weeks before the show, after you have given her a hostess packet. Give your hostess a reason to call each of her guests and tell them about the jewelry and the specials. Make sure your hostess does reminder phone calls before the event to ensure a higher turnout rate.

Next, find out why your hostess wanted to have the party. Was it for free jewelry? Was it to help you grow your business? Either way, knowing what her motivation is for having the party will help you determine her goals. For example, if she wants a certain amount of free jewelry, then tell her how much in sales need to occur and how many people need to be invited for her to reach that goal.

On the night of the show and before guests arrive, ask the hostess what pieces she is interested in and then calculate how much she needs in sales to earn those items for free. Then ask which of her guests does she think will want to book a party so you know in advance who to ask.

3. Increasing attendance.

In addition to coaching your hostess to make reminder phone calls, you can also give your hostess a reason to call her guests to gather RSVPs. Tell her about the specials, the product line, and prizes for bringing friends. This way, the hostess will have a reason for calling her guests in addition to ensuring their attendance.

4. Increasing sales.

One way to increase sales at a party, is to provide guests a wish list template where they can write down all of their favorite items. Then you will know what special would benefit each guest the most. In addition, if they cannot afford their entire wish list, tell them how they can earn the rest free through the hostess program.

In addition, be enthusiastic about the jewelry! People love the excitement. They can tell when you genuinely love what you are doing. This also leads to the next suggestion of HAVE FUN! When people are having fun, they are relaxed and will enjoy the party.

5. Customer service.

Expressing gratitude to each hostess and customer will inevitably grow your business. Let her know how she is helping you reach your goal. Tell her what your goals are and what a difference her help has been.

In addition, follow up with each customer after their jewelry arrives. When you hear how much they love the jewelry, it will serve as great motivation for you to keep going. It will also give you a connection to your new customer so you feel more comfortable keeping in touch with them to make future sales.

6. Recruiting or sponsoring.

Sharing the Kele opportunity with others is a gift, a way to improve their life, or a way to reach their goals. It is not a sales pitch. When you approach recruiting as a way of sharing and not selling, it may become more easier to you. Share with them why you chose Kele as a way of reaching your goals and ask if they have any similar goals. You might be surprised that the person standing right next to you is searching for an answer...and Kele might just be that answer.

Getting Your Business Off and Running!

As we approach the end of 2008 and the fresh start of 2009, I wanted to give you some tips on how to get your business off and running in the new year.

1. Set goals for the next 90 days (e.g. # of phone calls, # of bookings, $ in sales, # of recruits!)
2. Take control of your calendar--Make sure everything is on it. Family events, work, and Kele parties. The great thing about direct sales is that it is flexible. It can work around your schedule. But you have to be in control of your schedule to make it work! Then figure out what nights in the next three months will work for Kele parties.
3. Set a date and hold a kick-off event in your home when the new catalog arrives in February.
4. Make a list of 100 people you are going to call.
5. Designate two evenings a week that you are going to make those calls.
6. Put business cards/catalogs in your purse, in your car, in your desk....EVERYWHERE!
7. Make a list of everything you know about Kele jewelry. Make a list of why Kele jewelry is great for your customers.
8. Make a list of people that would appreciate the list in #7.
9. Call those people on the list.
10. Book parties.
11. Call old customers and tell them about the customer specials for the month.

Just a little motivation for 2009!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

20 Ways to Spot a Recruit for your Direct Sales Business

This was by Kristie Tamsevicius,

Are you having trouble finding people to share your direct sales opportunity with? Sometimes the people you most need to talk to are right under your nose. Here are some 20 ways to spot a potential recruit for your direct sales business.
Do you know a woman who:

  • has purchased product from you
  • wants to work from home
  • wants a little extra money to buy those extras she can't afford now
  • has expressed a desire and wants to make a change in her life
  • wishes she had more flexibility in her schedule
  • really loves your product and might want to buy it at wholesale
  • is 25 or older
  • is fun to be around
  • is a natural conversationalist
  • is a real leader
  • wants to be her own boss
  • has great self confidence
  • has asked a lot of questions about your business
  • takes over at a party you are hosting helping everyone one
  • is on time for appointments
  • always sees the brighter side of things
  • is clever
  • enjoys a challenge
  • has a strong work ethic
  • has the values of someone you would want on your team

Think of those you know who fit this list and see if they are looking for extra income or a new career. Kele might be the perfect fit for them!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

A Goldmine Of Sales During The Holidays

Hey Ladies,

This was taken from Sales Moms Monthly Newsletter. Just some tips for the holiday selling season!

The Holidays are a great reason to call ALL of your previous customers and hostesses to offer a show, schedule a private appointment and gather referrals. Here are just a few tips to help you get on that phone.
  • Put yourself in a positive frame of mind before you make the call so you can transfer your enthusiasm to the person you are calling.
  • Set your intention for the call. What do you want to have happen? How about reminding them you are there to help them with their holiday shopping?
  • Help them to shop by suggesting companion items that will compliment what they have already ordered.
  • Make first impressions count. The first fifteen seconds sets the tone for your entire call. Your most effective introduction is one given with professionalism and warmth.
    Respect their time. “Is this a good time for you?” will show respect for your customer. Don't assume your customer is available when you call. Respect their time and privacy, and they will remember your sincerity.
  • Build rapport. Everyone wants to feel special, so build rapport with a compliment or gesture of friendship.
  • Go for the gold! You made the call – now make the most of the opportunity by offering to…
    1) Save money by shopping for the holidays with their hostess credit and/or discounts.
    2) Earn holiday cash by becoming a “Holiday Helper” by starting their business just in time to collect orders for the holidays.
    3) Shop in a safe and hassle-free environment of their home or office with a group of friends or just the two of you.
  • No matter what the result of your customer call, always ask for a referral by saying, “Who do you know who still needs to do their holiday shopping or who could use some additional money this time of year?” People respect you when you are purposeful and professional.

Jane Deuber is a Co-Founder of only association dedicated to the needs of the independent party plan and network marketing professionals). Discover what makes the DSWA so unique. Listen to three motivating and informative free teleseminars by visiting

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Sept/Oct Incentive

Win $100 Debit Card

The top sales woman from Sept through October, wins a debit card!!! Go for it ladies!
The Power of Referrals

Ladies, selling is not always easy. However, there is one way to improve your sales without doing much...and that is through referrals.

The key is learning how and when to ask. Selling to someone you already know takes less time and has more trust. So after you have asked friends and family, who is the next trusted source? SATISFIED customers because they know the jewelry and love it! Never miss a chance to ask a happy, satisfied customer for a referral, and try to get a testimonial letter while you are at it.

Put this letter in a plastic upright holder and display it at your next party.

They say "no." No big deal. Move on. But sometimes, just sometimes, they provide you with a name. And that's a great start. Ask for sales referrals at the end of your visit or contact. Sales referrals seem easy enough but there is a bit finesse required. Here's how NOT to ask for a referral: "Kelly, do you know of anyone who might be interested in my services?"This is NOT the recommended method because it is far too easy for your customer or prospect to say, "" The 'no' that they give you is often reflexive in nature; an automatic response to a closed ended question. In other words, they respond negatively out of habit. You could be missing tons of opportunities.The more effective way to ask for the sales referral is this: "Kelly, can you provide me a name or two of someone you know who might be interested in these types of products?"The difference is subtle but significant. By asking for a "name", your client has to think about names. It is not quite as easy to give you a dismissive "no." Usually, they tend to do a mental scan of friends and associates. This scanning pause helps reduce the automatic, reflexive 'no' response. Of course, they can and sometimes will, say "no." But by asking for a name you increase your odds and improve the chance for success.One last point - sales referrals demonstrate good behaviour. Make sure that those giving you referrals also get rewarded. Remember, any behaviour that gets recognized or rewarded gets repeated. --excerpts taken from Paul L. Kush.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

August Incentives!

Introducing New Kele & Co Incentives for August 2008

Recruiting Incentive:

If you recruit an ISR within your first 30 days, you will receive $100 in free jewelry (we are extending this from July!)

Sign up Incentive:

For each new ISR who signs up in August, they will receive $100 in free jewelry if they have 2 parties in their first 30 days ($350 + 5 orders min to qualify).

Guest Booking Incentive:

For each guest who books a party at a party, they will receive an additional 1/2 priced item. (This is in addition to the existing 25% and 1/2 priced item for having the party.)

Customer Special:

There are two gorgeous pieces featured on the website that are 20% off. Please let your customers know about this discount.

We are continually looking for ways to help you recruit, sell, and book parties. If you have any idea you would like considered to help in your Kele business, please share with us!
